One of effort from Boulogne Port to control seafood quality is to obligate fisherman and processing to use box standard base on port regulation. The box ownership must no have port management but also businessman. To make sure that box’s clean, hygiene and health standard compliance therefore washing box done Boulogne Port Management .

Big Seafood Box for Fish Another Countries and North Sea

In the Boulogne Port have 2 (two) washing box centre, Its separated between small box with large box. The washing activity use automatic machine with capacity is 1.000 boxes per hour. The small box was cleaned for fish caught in fishing vessel that landing in Boulogne Port. While the large size for fish from another countries. Around 90 % fish has processed in Boulogne Port from another countries.

The washing fee for one small box is 0,94 EUR/box and large box is 6,58 EUR/box. The box washing service significant contributed for Boulogne Port Income. In 2003 year, It is projected income from washing fee around 1,3 million EUR or Rp. 20,8 Billion or 12,4 % from total income of Boulogne Port around 10,475 million EUR or Rp. 167 billion. It is position after building and land rent contribution.

Small Seafood Box for Fish Landing in Boulogne Port

Automatic Machine for Seafood Washing Box

Small Seafood Box in Boologne Auction Hall

Big Seafood Box