The purse seine boats in Tumumpa Fishing Port are an example of how conventional fishing businesses can provide livelihoods for many people. It requires around 40 to 50 workers in the chain business of purse seine fishing.

Kapal-kapal purse seine di Tumumpa Manado adalah contoh , bagaimana bisnis perikanan kovensional dapat menghidupi banyak orang. Setidaknya dibutuhkan 40 hingga 50 pekerja untuk satu rantai bisnis jenis alat tangkap ini.

A Purseseine Boat in Tumumpa

A Purse Seine Boat was preparing to moor at the  jetty of Tumumpa Fishing Port
Credit: Ady Candra /

For example, the workers of the purse seine boat, namely KM. Adam Putra, with a size of 30 GT, include 20 fishing crew members and 1 ship captain. After the fish are landed, the process is continued by 2 unloaders, 4 fish sorters, 8 porters, 2 weighers, 1 enumerator, 1 driver, and 5 fishmongers. In total, 44 workers are involved with this fishing boat.

Sebagai contoh, pada kapal purse seine yang bernama KM.Adam Putra berukuran 30 GT terdapat 20 awak kapal perikanan dan seorang nakhoda yang bekerja dikapal ini. Didarat ada 2 juru bongkar, 4 tukang sortir, 4 buruh angkut , 2 juru timbang, 1 pencatat ikan, 2 buruh bongkar ke mobil, 1 orang supir, 2 buruh bongkar di pasar dan 5 pedagang. Sehingga totalnya mencapai 44 orang.

Fishing Sortir in Tumumpa

The workers was selecting fish  base on size and species
Credit: Ady Candra /

Workers Income from Purse Seine

How will they be paid? 

Fishing crews share profits with the fishing boat owner. The share for the all fishing crews is 25% of the net income, which is calculated as the gross income minus costs such as fuel, logistics, state non-tax revenue, and FAD (fish aggregating devices).

Bagaimana mereka dibayar ?

Bagi awak kapal adalah bagi hasil dengan pemilik. Hak awak kapal adalah 25 % dari pendapatan bersih, yakni dari pendapatan kotor setelah dikurangi biaya BBM, logistik, PNBP dan biaya rakit .

The average income for fishing crews is around Rp. 600,000 per fishing trip, which lasts 4–5 days. Meanwhile, unloaders, sorters, and weighers are paid with one medium basket of fish weighing around 5 kg from the fishing owner. If multiplied by the average fish price of Rp. 10,000, each worker’s take-home pay is only Rp. 50,000.

Rata-rata mereka menerima sekitar 600 ribu setiap awak kapal untuk 1 trip operasional penangkapan, yakni sekitar 4 atau 5 hari. Sedangkan untuk buruh bongkar, tukang sortir dan juru timbang diberi upah sekitar 1 ember sedang dengan berat 5 kg oleh pemilik kapal. Jika dikalikan dengan harga ikan rata-rata Rp. 10 ribu, setiap hari mereka membawa pulang kerumah 50 ribu.

Of course, this income depends on fluctuations in fish prices. If prices increase, their take-home pay can reach Rp. 100,000; if prices fall, it drops below Rp. 50,000. In one month, their take-home pay is below the 2024 regional minimum wage of Rp. 3.5 million.

Tentunya pendapatan tersebut tergantung flutuaksi harga ikan, jika harga naik setidaknya mereka dapat membawa pulang hingga 100 ribu, tetapi jika harga jatuh pastinya kurang dari 50 sehari. Dalam sebulan berada dibawah upah minimun regional Provinsi Sulawesi Utara tahun 2004 sejumlah Rp.3,5 juta.

However, long-standing family relationships between workers and fishing boat owners have allowed this business to persist to the present day.

Namun demikian, kekeluargaan yang terjalin bertahun-tahun antara pekerja dengan pemilik kapal membuat usaha penangkapan ikan purse seine tetap bertahan sampai saat ini.

A Fishmonger in Tumumpa

Some boxes containing fish could be sent to the local market in North Sulawesi.
Credit: Ady Candra /

A Fishes in Tumumpa

Short mackerel, baby tuna and mackerel tuna are fish dominant that be caught used mini purse seine fishing gear
Credit: Ady Candra /