Prins and Dingemanse are oyster and mussels companies located in Yerseke, in the province of Zeeland, the Netherlands. From this village, both types of seafood are marketed to many countries From this village, both types of seafood are marketed to many countries. Quick transportation to consumers is the company’s philosophy that still exists today.

Prins and Dingemase adalah perusahaan industri mussel dan oyster yang berbasis di Yerseke, Provinsi Zeeland di Belanda. Dari desa ini, kedua produk seafood tersebut dipasarkan kebanyakan negara, kecepatan sampai kekonsumen ada philosphy dari perusahaan ini yang membuatnya exist sampai saat ini.

Prins and Dingemanse is mussels and oyster processing campany which is based in Yerseke in Province of Zeeland , The Netherlands

Prins and Dingemanse is mussels and oyster processing campany which is based in Yerseke in Province of Zeeland , The Netherlands
Credit: Ady Candra /

This company was built at the end of the 18th century, coinciding with mussels and oysters cultivation massive in Yerseke. The government of the Netherlands established this area as a center of the seafood industry and built infrastructure such as ports, aquaculture facilities, restaurants, and a museum.

Perusahaan ini telah ada sejak akhir abad 18, seiring berkembangan pembesaran mussel dan oyster di Yerkese. Pemerintah Belanda menjadikan kawasan ini sebagai pusat industri seafood, untuk itu berbagai infrastruktur seperti pelabuhan, budidaya, restoran hingga museum di bangun disini

Mussel is features seafood product that marketed in local and abroad market like midle east countries

Mussel is features seafood product that marketed in local and abroad market like midle east countries
Credit: Ady Candra /

Mussels Harvest

In July, around 30 fishing vessels harvest mussels in European waters, including Ireland, Denmark, and Germany The harvested fresh mussels are a combination of natural seeds grown using special equipment in seawater

Pada bulan Juni, sekitar 30 kapal perikanan memanen mussel diperairan Eropa seperti Irlandia, Dermark dan Jerman. Mussel yang dipanen adalah kombinasi dari penangkapan benih dialam yang dibesarkan melalui perlengkapan khusus di laut.

A mussels boat was moored in Yerseke Port

A mussels boat was moored in Yerseke Port
Credit: Ady Candra /

Although it became a major mussel player in Europe, the consumption of this seafood is predicted to decrease every year. Generally, mussels consumers are older people, whereas younger people are less interested in eating mussels.

Meskipun telah menjadi pemain utama produk mussel di Eropa, namun kosumsi mussel berpotensi turun setiap tahunnya. Umumnya mussel dikosumsi oleh orang lanjut usia sedangkan generasi muda, kurang berminat untuk mengkosumsinya.

Therefore, in recent years, Prins and Dingemanse have been actively promoting to young people. One of their taglines is that mussels are a superfood high in protein, beneficial for human growth.

Oleh karena itu, sejak beberapa tahun terakhir Prins and Dimgemanse menggencarkan kampanye untuk anak-anak muda. Salah satunya adalah menyakinkan bahwa mussel adalah superfood yang kaya akan protein dan zat besi yang baik untuk pertumbuhan.

Besides, they have innovated by creating mussels products with diverse flavors, suitable for salads or other dishes The campaign involved not only paid advertising but also collaboration with local tourism agencies in Zeeland.

Selain itu, mereka terus berinovasi dengan membuat produk mussel yang beragam rasa dan sebagai pelengkap salad atau makanan lainnyan. Kampanye tidak hanya melalui iklan berbayar tetapi juga melalui kerjasama dengan agen pariwisata di Zeeland. 

Mussel processing plant in Yerseke, The Netherlands produced very delicious mussel in the world

Mussel processing plant in Yerseke, The Netherlands produced very delicious mussel in the world
Credit: Ady Candra /