It is said that oysters and mussels from Yerseke, a fishing village in the Province of Zeeland, Netherlands, are among the most delicious in the world. It is located in a delta area connected to Grevelingen Lake. This has made the land and the seabed of the village rich in nutrients and a suitable environment for oyster farming.
Konon, osyter atau tiram terlezat didunia berasal dari Yerseke, desa nelayan yang berada di Provinsi Zeeland, Belanda. Letak geografisnya berada di delta yang terhubung dengan Danau Grevelingen, sehingga membuat tanah dan perairan desa ini kaya akan nutrien serta lingkungan yang cocok untuk budidaya oyster.
Oyster Farming in Yerseke that began in early 19th century
Credit: Ady Candra /
Eight years ago, I was lucky to visit this village as a participant in fisheries training held by Wageningen University, Netherlands. This university focuses on education, research, and agricultural engineering.
Pada 8 tahun yang silam, saya beruntung dapat berkunjungan ke desa ini, sebagai peserta pada program pelatihan perikanan oleh Universitas Wageningen, Belanda. Perguruan tinggi ini fokus pada pendidikan dan riset bidang pertanian dan keinsinyuran.
Oyster Farming
In Yerseke, intensive oyster farming began in the early 19th century as a response to the declining natural stock caused by overfishing. The method used is adopted from the French; oyster seeds are placed on wooden shelves 70 cm above the seabed. This method benefits growth control and disease prevention.
Di Yerseke, budidaya oyster mulai masiv dilakukan diawal abad 19, sebagai dampak menurunnya stock dialam akibat penangkapan yang berlebih. Medote yang digunakan mengadopsi yang telah berjalan di Perancis, yakni bibit oyster ditempatkan dalam rak-rak kayu pada ketinggian sekitar 70 cm dari dasar perairan. Metode ini memberikan keuntungan dalam pengendalian pertumbuhan dan mengontrol hama penyakit.
A farmer was weighting oyster in Yerseke, Zeeland Netherlands
Credit: Ady Candra /
Periodically, farmers check the oyster meat by opening the shells to determine the harvest time. Generally, oysters are ready for consumption in 3–5 years, but those not yet suitable remain on the wooden shelves. The yields are sent to seafood restaurants in Yerseke or exported to other countries in Europe and the Middle East
Pembudidaya secara rutin memeriksa daging oyster dengan mencungkil cangkanganya, hal ini untuk memastikan waktu panen yang tepat. Umumnya berkisar antara 3-5 tahun untuk ukuran konsumsi, bagi oyster yang belum yang layak dipanen akan tetap dibesarkan diwadah yang sama.Hasil panen untuk memenuhi restoran seafood di Yarkese atau juga diekspor kebanyakan negara di Eropa hingga Asia Tengah.
Oysters placed in wooden shelf until 3 - 5 years before sent to consumers
Credit: Ady Candra /
Yerseke Village is oyster farming center in the Netherlands which is completed with restaurant and museum
Credit: Ady Candra /