The second week of August is the busiest time for the Tomohon community in North Sulawesi.One of the biggest festivals in Indonesia, known as the Tomohon International Flower Festival (TIFF), will be held in this city.

Minggu kedua bulan Agustus menjadi waktu tersibuk bagi masyarakat Tomohon, Sulawesi Utara. Salah satu festival bunga terbesar di Indonesia yakni Tomohon International Festival Flower (TIFF) di gelar di kota sejuk ini.

Two escort float greets visitors in Tomohon International Flower Festival (TIFF) 2024

The smiling of two escorts greets visitors TIFF 2024
Credit: Ady Candra /

In 2024, the 12th edition will take place with the theme 'Moving Forward, Getting Stronger. TIFF includes several events, but the carnival is the main event, eagerly awaited by tourists

Tahun 2024, memasuki pergelaran yang ke 12 dengan tema “moving faward , getting stronger”. Dalam pelaksanaan TIFF terdiri dari beberapa rangkaian acara tetapi Parade adalah event yang paling ditunggu dan menjadi pucak pelaksanaan TIFF.

The participants include individuals and floats from government institutions, State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN), private companies, and representatives of friendly countries.The route around 7 km there is the road of Manado to Tomohon.

Pesertanya dari perorang atau kendaran hias (floating) perwakilan instansi pemerintah, BUMN, swasta dan perwakilan negara sahabat. Rutenya yang ditempuh sekitar 7 km yang berada pada Jalan Raya Manado - Tomohon.

A float flower requires around 8,000 stalks of chrysanthemum at the Tomohon International Flower Festival (TIFF) 2024

A float flower requires around 8,000 stalks of chrysanthemum at the TIFF 2024
Credit: Ady Candra /

This year, the event required 300,000–400,000 stalks of chrysanthemum flowers. All of them were planted by dozens of flower farmers.

Pegelaran tahun ini, setidaknya dibutuhkan 300 ribu - 400 ribu tangkai bunga krisan (chrysanthemum) . Semua bunga-bunga tersebut ditanam oleh puluhan petani lokal.

For the Tomohon community, the TIFF event has not only provided economic benefits but also serves as a platform to promote the rich art and culture, as well as the beautiful nature, through chrysanthemum flowers.

Bagi masyarakat Tomohon, pergelaran TIFF tidak hanya memberikan berkah ekonomi tahunan tetapi juga upaya mereka memperkenalkan kekayaan seni-budaya dan keindahan alam melalui bunga krisan.

A Young Girl in chrysanthemum flower custom. She would performance at the Tomohon International Flower Festival (TIFF) 2024

A Young Girl in chrysanthemum flower custom. She would performance at the TIFF 2024.
Credit: Ady Candra /

The natural beauty and friendliness of the Tomohon people have been known for a long time.It is all symbolized by the Tomohon chrysanthemum flower, with its white and yellow colors. In the Tombulu language (a sub-ethnic group of the Minahasa), 'Kulo' (white) represents honesty and loyalty, whereas 'Riri' (yellow) symbolizes happiness, cheerfulness, and optimism.

Keindahan alam dan keramahan orang-orang Tomohon telah dikenal sejak lama. Semuanya seolah terwakilkan oleh Bunga Krisan Tomohon yang berwarna kuning dan putih. Dalam bahasa Tombulu (sub etnis minahasa), Kulo (putih) bermakna kejujuran dan kesetiaan sedangkan Riri (kuning) bermakna kegembiraan, keceriaan, dan optimisme.

Young girls from Tomohon enlivened the Tomohon International Flower Festival (TIFF) 2024.

Young girls from Tomohon enlivened the TIFF 2024.
Credit: Ady Candra /