"The living spins like the cart wheel."
"Some of us must have heard a Minang proverb about the cycle of life."
The meaning of this proverb is that life does not remain at the top position; it also has middle and lowest points.

The living cart wheel is tied to the Law of Rhythm, which is part of the 12 Universal Laws.
The Law of Rhythm explains that all things move in rhythmic patterns.There is a time for growth and a time for decline. Understanding rhythm can help us overcome challenges more effectively.
In the Law of Rhythm, we learn that life in the universe follows cycles The law of the universe is always in effect, lifting us to top, middle, and lowest positions. So, let them worked and flowed because all it has times.
Like the old man with a cart wheel whom I found in Tomohon Village. He was not concerned about rising fuel prices, oil changes, or battery charges. Because his cart does not require a machine but depends on cow power.
According to him, let city people worry about the energy crisis and pollution. He is content with the grace of Tomohon’s nature, which always provides sustenance through the two cows that accompany him.