Malaka kotanya gedang ...
Angin sakal dari kuala..
Muka siapa hendak dipandang..
Hulubalang mati, perahu terbelah..

Malaka is a big city...
Sakal winds from the estuary..
Who face would be seen..
The Commander’s death, the boat was divided..

Jangan dicoba merendang cendawan ...
Cendawan sekaki banyak kuahnya..
Jangan dicoba menyerang Pelalawan..
Pelalawan sakti banyak tuahnya..

Don’t try to roast mushroom...
The Foot of mushroom has too much sauce..
Don’t try to hit Pelalawan..
Pelalawan is magical and good luck kingdom.

The poem above is cited from the poem about the Mepasun conflict in 1806 between the Sultanate of Pelalawan and Siak Sri Indrapura.

The Pelalawan Royal Palace is one of malay heritage in Riau mainland. This kingdom have important player in malay culture growth in Indonesia .
Credit: Ady Candra /

The Sultanate of Pelalawan is like a lost puzzle piece from the Malay Emporium, which was a power in the eastern regions of Sumatra, the Riau Islands, and the Malay Peninsula. The Malay Emporium was divided into several small sultanates under the Malacca Sultanate in the 14th century, which was continued by the Sultanate of Johor-Riau between the 15th and 18th centuries.

The Pelalawan Sultanate may not be as well-known as other Malay sultanates, although it was established early. The kingdom began when Maharaja Indra founded Pekantua near the Kampar River in the 14th century. He escaped after Temasik (present-day Singapore) was taken over by Majapahit. In the 15th century, Pekantua was conquered by Malacca, and eventually, Sultan Maharaja Dinda II moved to Pelalawan in the 17th century..

Pelalawan Sultan Throne is located in center of Istana Sayap or Pelalawan Royal Palace.This place as Sultan to govern or ceremonial event.
Credit: Ady Candra /

Rebuilding of Pelalawan Sultanate Palace

Currently, there are no important buildings remaining. Istana Sayap is a duplicate building that was completed in 2016. The palace underwent restoration in 2003 but suffered a major fire in February 2012.

The cultural figure of Riau Malay, Tenas Efendi, is the person credited with rebuilding the Pelalawan Royal Palace. He redesigned the palace, using concrete instead of wood for better durability. The carvings, values, and philosophy of Malay culture were preserved to resemble the original building.

Pelalawan Sultans Bedroom is dominated with yellow color as symbol holiness and greatness.In malay government, the yellow color used by sultan and his family.
Credit: Ady Candra /

Flora carving on balcony gate at Pelalawan Royal Palace.
Credit: Ady Candra /


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