The condition of the suburbs of Palu City after one week of the 2018 tsunami disaster.

The Palu tsunami 2018 generated a powerful 7.5 magnitude earthquake on the Richter scale, which was located on the seabed of the Palu Gulf. The epicenter of the earthquake was near Tompe Fishing Village, in Donggala Regency, which is located 90 km from Palu City.

Although in the epicenter of the earthquake, the tsunami wave is not as tall as in Palu, which was predicted to be around 11 meters. Based on a disaster victim whose house was sunk by the tsunami flood, the tsunami height was around 2 meters, and the infrastructure damage was caused more by the earthquake.

Why did the height of the tsunami wave in Palu reach 11 meters, and why was the resulting force so strong? Whereas the location is very far from the earthquake epicenter.

Tompe Village is close epicenter of earthquake that causes tsunami in Center Sulawesi in 2018.

For those who have studied oceanography, this phenomenon would be understood. A tsunami is described as a high and long ocean wave caused by vertical movement in the water column. It is generated by earthquakes, landslides, volcanic eruptions, or meteor impacts.

The Palu tsunami 2018 was generated by an earthquake and had a destructive force because it occurred in the waters of a gulf shaped like a long waterway flowing into Palu city. In the narrow and shallow gulf, the water was pushed from the bottom up and compressed together from multiple directions.

Mamboro Village is one of area of Palu City which is most destroyed at tsunami disaster in 2018.

Tsunami disaster could destroyed marine building like as sea port.